SLM own Talks to Homelessness

Prevent Homelessness With Universal Design

The Older Womenʼs Network Housing Committee is calling for a change to federal and provincial building codes to require that all new multi-unit buildings be Universal Design. Universal Design will accommodate everyone...

Downsizing for Boomers and Seniors #3: What to Sell

CALLS  CALLS  CALLS People call us and say, “My children won’t take much, the consignment shop doesn’t want anything, the auctioneer is very negative about selling my furniture.” Some weeks we...
SLM Senior Shopping Guide scaled

Shopping for Grandchildren Help is Here!

Many of us are not as close to our grandchildren as we would like to be, due to our children living in other areas, yet when Christmas arrives we...
SLM Cancer

7 Things To Know About Cancer Prevention

Though not all cancers can be prevented, there are steps seniors can take that may help to prevent some. Lifestyle factors have a great deal to do with getting...
SLM Talks to Senior Winter Falls scaled

How To Avoid Senior Falls This Winter!

In September, in honour of National Fall Prevention Day we posted some articles to help seniors avoid falls and understand the impact of them. Now that winter has arrived, there...

Older Women’s Network – Media Release, Senior Housing November 16, 2016

MEDIA RELEASE, Nov. 16, 2016  On November 9th, the Older Women’s Network (OWN) presented Living in Place and Universal Design Awards to five pioneers and supporters of barrier-free housing.  Jessica...
SLM Making Dreams Come True scaled

You Are Never Too Old To Make Your Dreams Become Realities

Having a success-filled life begins with a vision then a mission and a dose of passion! I believe that at any age we need to step back and take stock...