Let’s Demystify Vitamin B Deficiency in Seniors
The signs of Vitamin B deficiency may be subtle at first. You may feel more fatigued. Perhaps you’re paler and more irritable. Depression and even confusion may start to...
The Scoop on Gluten Intolerance vs Celiac Disease
Celiac disease and gluten intolerance (or sensitivity) have quite similar symptoms. However, the outcome of each can be completely different.
What are the major symptoms of Celiac Disease?
Digestive problems...
5 Tips to Consider When Helping Kids Understand Eldercare
When you get busy helping your aging parents or other elderly loved ones, make sure you take the time to help your kids understand what’s going on and how...
Senior Moving Challenges – I Paid A lot for ‘Them?”
So often these are the words we hear from people, “That cost me a lot of money!”
Whether it is a vacuum, a set of dishes, a television, stereo, a...
3 Tips to Cope With A Diabetes Diagnosis
Diabetes didn’t mean that much to me before yesterday. Yes, my grandmother had it for decades, along with some close friends, but it hadn’t affected me personally. I...
What Can You Learn From Seniors – A lot!
In this crazy, busy world we sometimes forget very important things. Time and time again, it seems to be our seniors. Yet seniors are a wealth of information, from...
Both Gun and Stroke Triggers Can be Deadly
When you hear the word gun, what do you think about? Bullets, gunshots and a trigger, right? Well I do. And many think danger or death. Now we hear...