Got aging parents at home?
Surviving the death of a partner will be one of the hardest times in life. Let’s not make it be harder than it needs to be. During an emotionally devastating situation,  process your grief without worrying about things could...
Caring for a loved one is difficult, challenging, and in most cases, mentally painful. Still, love and care are what make a family a family, and even in a difficult health situation with one of your relatives, there should...
To procrastinate: delay or postpone action; put off doing something One of the things I’ve found during this crisis is that I have rediscovered and am now channeling my inner procrastinator. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve...
Most people who have a fear of flying (aerophobia) experience some sort of claustrophobia, acrophobia (fear of heights), or anxiety about crashing. Any combination of these intense fears can manifest into symptoms such as: Nausea and stomach pain Shortness...
Image credit Most likely while going to work every day, ideas come to mind of other things you would like to do. Now that you're retired, make a list of volunteer opportunities you would love to be involved with and...
New Orleans is unlike any other place in the United States. An enthralling, exciting destination that thousands flock to every year for the blues, jazz, bars, history and culture.  An electric energy runs through the very soul of this diverse...
Banks that offer Reverse Mortgage Products have 4 key safeguards in place to ensure that your client’s equity is kept safe and secure, busting many of the misconceptions surrounding reverse mortgages. You always retain title and ownership of your...
On July 10, 1940 the German Luftwaffe began attacking British supply convoys in the English Channel for the first time, marking what the British would come to recognise as the official start of the Battle of Britain.  Men from 15...
There are different reasons why women over 50 might look for another job. They may have been sacked, got tired of their old job, or for some reason unable to do the same thing any longer. Also, some people are...
Those of us who are over 55 know that getting hired gets more difficult. Laws prevent age  discrimination, but reality flies in the face of that. What are the things you can do to improve  your chances for getting...