Got aging parents at home?

Health & Well-Being

Health and wellness…..good health and healthy living all lead to wellness.
They go hand in hand don’t you think?
What does health and wellness mean to you?
The very thought of health and wellness can be very overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.
It should be fun inspiring and very rewarding.

Since 25 percent of injuries occur in winter, seniors need to be extra vigilant during the upcoming months. The first step to becoming winter-ready is to make sure your living space is protected from the elements. Many appliances need...
In today’s modern world, daily routines and responsibilities can take up mostly all of our days, leaving one with little to no time for themselves; making it seem impossible to maintain a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and/or get enough...
Hearing loss is not picky! It is something that can affect people of any age, gender, and ethnic background. Often stereotyped as just an old age symptom, many people disregard their hearing health until it’s too late, assuming that...
Nearly 50% of AA members would report a stranger who was preparing to drink-drive 98% of those polled wouldn’t report a family member who was prepared to drink-drive Case study available AA release new video offering steps for...
Older adults must find ways to remain healthy throughout the winter when it is colder. Cold weather lowers your already weakened immune system and makes it harder to react quickly to things. There are ways to stay safe and...
Food, friends and family are some of the hallmarks of the holiday season, but self-care, moderation and willpower can often fall by the wayside.  Wrapped up in all the revelry, it can be hard to stick to your routine...
A recent study funded by the National Institute on Aging has revealed that seniors with lower scam awareness are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s, dementia or cognitive impairment later in life.  In fact, the evidence was so compelling, it...
MISSISSAUGA, ON, Nov. 25, 2019 /CNW/ - Forty per cent of Canadians say they are more likely to shop online for holiday gifts this year compared to last year. Among those shopping online, time saving (62%), better stock and...
With all the new ways companies can market their goods, it can be hard to determine what is a passing fad, and what is actually worth your attention. This cannot be more true in reference to the many drinks...
Why do I have wax? How do I clean the wax out of my ears? Those are questions that every audiologist gets asked frequently. I want to start off by saying that earwax (technically it’s called cerumen) is a substance...