Got aging parents at home?
As you get older, dealing with your siblings is a lot different than it was when you were a child. Personalities change and each of your brothers or sisters may seem to go their separate ways. You may have...
Two weeks later, I drove the hour from our new apartment to my new job, freshly shaved and dressed appropriately, I thought, in shirt and tie, expecting the same from students. As I pulled into the school parking lot,...
Early in our relationship, Cass and I fell in love with Toronto, one of the most beautiful cities. Anywhere. It was only natural, I suppose, living in Buffalo, New York, a quick drive to the Peace Bridge and then...
Adult children are now finding their roles with their parents are reversed. Looking after them when they are ill, helping cook meals and taking them to appointments are all tasks they once helped us to do. They provided physical...
What a fabulous idea for seniors! This Prom Night event has already occurred but we wanted to share with all of you!             Friends Team Up to Bring Live 1950's Band, Prom Night Touches, Decor and 50's Nostalgia to Toronto Nursing...
Many of us are infatuated with the Royal Family and all they represent. It is so nice to see pictures of the new Royal children, what is going on with the Queen and of course the upcoming wedding of...
I didn’t notice him in the rear of the hall. Sitting with his daughter, I would later learn. My performance this day would be at a seniors community specializing in memory care. The lesson I was about to learn...
Mother’s Day will soon be here and families will celebrate the occasion, remembering the sacrifices their mothers have made over the years. Those with elderly mothers (some of whom are mothers themselves) may find it more difficult finding a...
No other singing duo of the 1960’s represented the quieter side of rock n roll than Nino Tempo and April Stevens. Despite the difference in their names they were brother and sister. Antonino and Caroline LoTempio were born in...
You know, the job you thought would last a lifetime? I sure remember mine! As college graduation approached, me with a newly printed Masters Degree in hand, and a wife with new baby at home, I faced the immediate reality...