Got aging parents at home?
Active living is often associated with living a long and healthy life for both humans and dogs alike. Finding new and interesting ways to keep you and your dog active can be tough. Just like you, your furry friend...
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Funny Peculiar

Mrs. Dorothy Sherock, one of my elementary school teachers was fond of asking, “There’s two kinds of funny, funny ha ha and funny peculiar, which are you?” It wasn’t exactly the same as Thoreau warning about the unexamined life not...
As seniors grow older, do they need to downsize their living situation? Or can they, with careful preparation, continue to live in their homes and communities safely, independently and comfortably – in other words, "age in place"? In the...
Seniors love a party just as much as the younger generations, maybe even more! From Thanksgiving right through to the New Year there are parties galore. What’s important to remember is that many of those party treats involve rich...
As we age there are inevitable changes. For some of us those changes aren’t as readily apparent. For others, adapting to change can be more difficult. There can also be health changes and decline as we age. For many...
There is a new breed of retirees out there. To them, they are living the dream. Travelling south during the winter to spend the colder months in a warmer climate. Heading back north during the summer to take advantage...
With warmer weather here, it’s the perfect time to consider taking a family road-trip. But for some, especially those with large families, this prospect might require a new vehicle suitable for the occasion. From dealing with multiple salespeople to...
If you are 75, you have seen a rainy day or two. And wherever you live, there are usually cold days in some of the year, and you mostly don’t let them get in your way. With snug cars...
Parents are the most important people in a young child’s life. When they're little, their whole world centers around you. As they grow older and especially once they enter their teenage years, respect for their parents becomes a little...
Famous for its buttery limestone buildings sandwiched by rolling green hills, the Cotswolds are an incredibly stunning region in the UK offering everything a senior traveller could ever want - charming cottages, breathtaking natural landscapes, and cosy pubs. While...