Got aging parents at home?
Aging without children


When we are born, none of us slide into the world with labels stating who we will be as adults. No matter what our parent's plans for us would be, we are the ultimate chooser of our destiny. Although...
I’ve heard it said that a bond between a grandparent and a grandchild can be a magical one. If I could properly find the words to describe my deep connection with my late Nonna, my maternal grandmother, this piece...
Whether you own your own home or rent a condo or apartment, a smoke alarm is not only necessary, it's required by law. For seniors in particular, keeping smoke alarms in good working order requires a checkup every few...
The 3rd article in the Dad’s Had a Stroke Series under our stories section. Okay, they are moving Dad to the rehab hospital. That’s good, right? I think so. After over a month of him being in the hospital and my...
Olive oil has many grades and many uses. We are spoiled today in that we can choose among extra virgin oils. Once that first precious extra virgin pressing is over, the pomace can be pressed a few more times....
When I write about the artists in, “Forgotten Rock n Rollers”, some people misunderstand my reasoning. To me any singer or rock n roller that does not have name recognition in todays society is to me forgotten and that...
We have had the privilege or sharing many, many articles, stories and books about Alzheimer's. Knowing that millions of people suffer, their families included, makes it a topic we don't feel we can publish often enough.             With the recent loss of music legend Glen...
The 6th article in the Dad’s Had a Stroke Series under our stories section. Stroke Rehab. So Dad has been here at stroke rehab for more than a month now. We have a family meeting booked at the 6- week...
The family meeting took place and it wasn’t at all what any of us expected. Dad’s cognitive deficiencies are far more then we had thought. He will not recover from the physical constraints of the stroke. So the question to us...where...
Garret Mathews asked a number of prominent people to recall growing up and playing baseball.             From basketball broadcaster Dick Vitale: “Growing up, I was a baseball fanatic. We lived 30 minutes from Yankee Stadium, so naturally I wanted to be...