Got aging parents at home?
Whether you own your own home or rent a condo or apartment, a smoke alarm is not only necessary, it's required by law. For seniors in particular, keeping smoke alarms in good working order requires a checkup every few...
Photo by on Unsplash I recently had a birthday and am nearly a quarter century "old."   I share my age with at least 60 million boomers, assuming that all those of my generation who once thought they'd "live forever"...
My 65th birthday is on the second of December. There is so much more to this milestone in life than just another birthday. My sixteen years of crack addiction during my twenties and early thirties prevented me from seeing...
He cavorted on the stage, on television, in the movies and yes, on records. We laughed with him, and we cried with him. For 50 years he mugged and romped across our screens large and small, but now he...
Rock n Roll Music have had many pioneering groups that made the transition from R&B to early Rock n Roll. Although The Platters came before them and set the recording world on fire, their smooth sounds got the attention...
Years ago it didn’t matter, but now I wish I had asked my parents and grandparents so many questions: What was their first job? (Doug began teaching at a salary of $2800 a year. Judy needed permission from the school...
Over this past holiday season, I had the pleasure of spending some time in Florida in a Senior Community park. My husband and I are not yet seniors (getting close!) but we had the pleasure of meeting and interacting...
We have had the privilege or sharing many, many articles, stories and books about Alzheimer's. Knowing that millions of people suffer, their families included, makes it a topic we don't feel we can publish often enough.             With the recent loss of music legend Glen...
A great deal has been written about Alan Freed, the man who coined the term rock n roll. First the biography and then the real story of the man as the teens who knew him saw.             Albert James Freed was...
Patients recovering from lengthy battles with COVID-19 face many obstacles, even when free from the disease. In addition to being weakened from confinement in a bed for weeks or months, their breathing capacity is compromised, making it extremely challenging...