Got aging parents at home?
Aging without children


When we are born, none of us slide into the world with labels stating who we will be as adults. No matter what our parent's plans for us would be, we are the ultimate chooser of our destiny. Although...
By the time I was 52, I had been married three times. If the courts had not documented the first two marriages, I would pretend that they never happened. During both, my husbands and I were smoking crack before,...
No one likes wearing marks (duh!) but I am impressed by how many in North America are doing it - even if somewhat begrudgingly. Call the "masking up" mandate herd cooperation or just plain fear response, but thankfully transcends politics...
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Mom Was Like That

You smoke. Oh, not a lot. Seven, maybe 8 a day.   Mom was like that. If necessary, you can go two or three hours between puffs. A movie. A dinner party. A Little League game.               Mom was like that. You don’t smoke...
Most days he gets shot, drowned and set on fire. You can see why Jim Dowdall doesn’t want to retire. English stunt man Jim Dowdall is in his seventies with grey hair, hearing aids and a ready smile. He’s chatting...
Noel Trachtenberg Celebrated for Leading an Impactful and Spirited Life Full of Resilience in the Face of Adversity PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. August 27, 2019 – Noel Trachtenberg, a resident of La Posada (a premier Kisco Senior Living community), faced...
Tangible Memories Pic

Hidden Gardens

I am an unashamed booster of my adopted state, California. One of its many treasures are old gardens tucked away in unexpected corners. The gold country is not the obvious place one goes to see gardens but that is where...
In my ongoing quest to encourage the concept of “evolving” versus “aging” in later life, you may find the story of Heather and Mark a life lesson as I did. Over a coffee he shared his very personal story...
Olive oil has many grades and many uses. We are spoiled today in that we can choose among extra virgin oils. Once that first precious extra virgin pressing is over, the pomace can be pressed a few more times....
The leaves of this endlessly fascinating tree are nothing like the grim color we are pleased to call “olive drab”. That is an insult and a calumny. Stand close to one of the branches and look carefully. The top...