Got aging parents at home?
Do you remember when you were a child, and someone made fun of you or called you a name? Do you remember how hurt you were and how you ran home and cried? Now that you are an adult,...
When I was first introduced to Peter, he wasn’t interested in receiving help from others let alone me, a stranger. His daughter was surprised he let me through the front door for my first shift. Peter was comfortable in...
Photo by Cody Board on Unsplash I'm 74, and, fortunately, in good health.  But about the time Covid-19 swept the world in early 2020 I was diagnosed with bladder cancer (still don't know how I got it, but see for the complete...
Photo by on Unsplash I recently had a birthday and am nearly a quarter century "old."   I share my age with at least 60 million boomers, assuming that all those of my generation who once thought they'd "live forever"...
Photo by Ioana Radescu on Unsplash Humans are uniquely acquisitive.  We fill our homes, our garages and our closets to the brim.  And the older we get, the more we accumulate, lose track of and push into storage rather than...
Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash Technology has brought us some amazing sensory-enhancing devices--everything from eyesight improving lenses (centuries old) to portable phones that let us communicate (and hear) people from thousands of miles away. (Think iphones).  Wonders never cease. Besides nearsigtedness (myopia)--I'm 73--the one...
As a former mental health and substance abuse therapist, it was easy to see that many of my clients were using or used some form of illegal or controlled substances or alcohol to hide from unwanted memories. Crack cocaine...
Photo by MayoFi on Unsplash Is it "nifty" after 50?   Is there sex after 60?   Is there success after 70?   Relevant to these questions is how much the coronaviris has affected your life--surely a stressor and disrupter for everyone (and particularly dangerous for us seniors.)   2020 wasn't very...
95th Birthday


On a typical sunny afternoon in Santa Monica, I went to visit mother.   When I opened the door, I found her on the floor of the entry hall, lying on her back with her eyes closed, as if she were...
Although, the following events occurred at an award-winning institution, they can occur at any institution. This account is offered as a service to you so that you or a loved one have a better chance of avoiding anything similar. In service:...