Advantages Of ePRO And eCOA
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ePRO and eCOA stand for Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment and Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome. The latter is a type of the former. It enables patients to answer any questions healthcare professionals deem suitable; symptoms, drug-taking schedules, side effects. 

These technologies are often used in clinical trials to give patients more agency and understanding in their experiences. The German healthcare system is thought to be one of the best in the world. Part of that success can come down to their clinical trials and the use of ePRO and eCOA technologies. 

What are the five main advantages of these systems? Read on to find out. 

Resolving Errors

Many errors can occur in healthcare matters. They need to be resolved quickly for a smoother patient experience. Better yet, they should be avoided entirely. 

ePRO systems make that ambition possible. It’s all digital, so deciphering the handwriting of patients/healthcare professionals handwriting is a non-issue. The organization is easier without paperwork getting lost. Instant notifications can also be sent between parties, such as new enrolments to the trial or events requiring attention. Everything is sped up. 

Utilizing Support 

Those leading a clinical trial can become lost in organizing their data when restricting themselves to paper. Overwhelming feelings can occur, and a sense of isolation can be experienced. 

Digital solutions often have a supportive provider on standby to field questions and provide assurances. For example, Banook Group is an instrumental provider of ePRO and eCOA solutions. Their focus is on guaranteeing communication between patients and sites. They also provide advice on questionnaires and building a user-friendly, innovative platform. Ultimately, their support is a real asset. 

Multi-person Functionalities

Greater teamwork capabilities are possible with ePRO and eCOA. Multiple users can create and edit data simultaneously. 

Such isn’t possible with paperwork solutions. A turn-taking approach to work is mandatory under those circumstances. Precious time can be lost, especially if a communication breakdown occurs too. Clinical trials thrive on collaboration and consultation, and both are strengthened with the ability to record and analyze data together. 

Improved Reporting

ePRO and eCOA technologies have tools to tailor the patient experience further. Data management techniques can be improved significantly too. 

Additional features worthy of mentioning are product tracking and randomization. Improvements can also be made around scheduling reports and automatic skip patterns, ensuring different aspects of the clinical trial’s data management run like clockwork. Automatic filters can also be applied, streamlining responses. 

The implications of improved reporting during a clinical trial should be appreciated. Better products can be developed, along with more profound claims to market them effectively across multiple channels. 

Greater Options

The best clinical trials are flexible and explore many options. ePRO and eCOA technologies facilitate that notion well. 

Patients and healthcare professionals have a more diligent way of operating during proceedings. They have more resources and learning opportunities at their disposal. It can all push the success of a clinical trial to new heights. Everybody’s time is being used effectively. 

Engagement and interest in the clinical trial can also be improved. Participants may find the ordeal more fun and stimulate with fewer roadblocks disrupting progress.