Yesterday, we talked about senior passion through music and senior friendships. Our message is consistent. Active seniors are healthier and happier.
We have posted a variety of articles on busy seniors, senior health and a favourite, senior passions. All speaking to the benefits to active seniors and encouraging just doing the things you enjoy.
Well, this article includes 2 video clips that are really and truly uplifting.
They show how no matter how old we may get, we can always be active, have fun and enjoy music.
Active Seniors have more fun!
Not only do they get up and about more often, they enjoy the social aspects of doing things.
Active seniors feel better which is great for overall wellness. Stimulation of the mind and body is a wonderful thing.
These videos show just how active seniors can be! All the while laughing, singing and shaking what they have!
Please share with all ages as these are very entertaining and help remove some of the stigmatism with growing old.
Because we all know Getting Older is Getting Better!
You have to appreciate all the work that went in to these 2 video productions. And really enjoy the smiles and laughing that likely took place creating them. Way to go seniors!