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Sore feet? Sore back? Believe it or not, but the two could very well be linked!








Medical studies have revealed that a whopping 90% of people experience a foot problem during the course of their lives. The news is worse for women, as they are four times more likely than men to suffer from foot pain. As the feet provide the foundation of the body, it follows that any problems affecting them will also have a knock-on affect on your overall health.

However, there is some good news, as in many cases these problems are completely preventable. Research has found that one of the best ways of keeping our feet healthy is by wearing suitable footwear, as poorly designed or ill-fitting footwear has been revealed to be one of the chief causes behind foot issues. In fact, a staggering nine in ten women’s foot deformities can be traced back to bad shoes. What’s more, in addition to hurting our feet, bad footwear can result in a wide range of additional health problems such as joint pain and back problems.

Considering that the average person walks between 8,000 and 10,000 steps a day, it’s important to invest an appropriate amount of time and money when choosing new shoes. If you plan to wear these shoes on a day-to-day basis, it’s essential that they help rather than hinder your feet’s health.

If you are keen to discover some helpful tips and tricks on how to find the best shoes for you, do check out this infographic guide courtesy of the team at Walsh Brothers Shoes. It lays out some useful advice on the qualities to look out for in a new pair of shoes, so you are armed with all the information you need for your next shoe-shopping spree. Your feet will thank you!

An infographic by the team at Walsh Brothers Shoes