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Are you getting a head start on your holiday travel plans? Here we provide some helpful tips for a journey that’s both comfortable and convenient.

’Tis the season to start preparations for your holiday travels! When it comes to flights and accommodations, you’ll get the best prices if you book ahead. Early planning also helps alleviate any stress caused by a last-minute hustle. To help you get a head start, we’ve created a list of holiday travel tips for seniors.







1. Request Accommodations

Don’t hesitate to ask for accommodations that could help make your travel process easier and more comfortable. If you’re booking a hotel room, for example, request a room on the ground floor. Book an aisle seat if you’re taking a plane, and don’t be afraid to ask for help lifting luggage.

2. Plan for Weather

With winter often comes harsh weather. We may want a white Christmas, but we tend to be content with mild weather when we’re actually traveling. As such, have a game plan for any adverse weather conditions you may encounter. If you’ll be driving, keep a close eye on the forecast throughout your entire route.

3. Take Breaks

Never push yourself to arrive somewhere quickly. Take breaks as you need them, no matter where you are. If your trip involves a long drive, you don’t have to do it all in one day. Book a hotel room at the halfway point and get that needed rest.

4. Pack an Emergency Kit

If you’re flying, be sure to bring a carry-on. If you’re driving, make sure any items you may need during the trip are easily accessible. Keep medications, water, and snacks on hand. If you deal with conditions such as incontinence, be sure to prepare accordingly.

5. Look into Discounts

Make sure you take advantage of any senior discounts you may be eligible for. Many airlines, hotels, and restaurants offer these, so we recommend taking the time to shop around for services that provide them.

6. Ship Gifts Early

If you’re flying, the weight of your luggage may incur extra costs—any gifts you bring along can ultimately prove costly. Consider shipping your gifts ahead of time. Doing so will be more cost-efficient, and you’ll have less weight to deal with.

7. Be Comfortable

Your comfort is extremely important while you travel, and you should plan for this ahead of time. When you book a flight, make sure you invest in seats that will make you comfortable, and bring a neck pillow if necessary. Additionally, make sure to outfit yourself with comfortable clothes and shoes.