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The bond between grandchildren and grandparents is incredibly important. As a grandparent, you can play the role of parent, babysitter, friend and teacher. You can help them to understand their family’s past and impart in them your valuable life lessons.

Making lasting memories with your grandchildren is necessary to create a strong and lasting bond. Here are a few of the best exciting ways that you can make memories with your grandkids.

Give Them Your Whole Focus

No matter what you’re doing, you should ensure that your sole focus is them when you are spending time together. Feeling heard and valued is as essential for children as it is for adults.

The beauty of being a grandparent is that you have the time to dedicate to your whole focus to your grandchildren when you are with them. Their parents might often be too frazzled with work and other commitments to give their kids their full attention all the time.

Whatever you decide to do with your grandkids, letting them know that you are there to spend quality time with them is crucial.

Nurture Their Love Of Learning – And Get Them Away From Screens!

A great way to bond with your grandkids and make lasting memories is by finding fun, educational activities you can do together. Encourage them to leave the electronics behind when you do this, to give them a break, and show them there’s more to the world than the internet.

You could consider reading with your grandkids or trying out a game that encourages problem-solving skills like an immersive detective experience. Have a look at Mysterious Mail for a fantastic interactive detective experience for your grandkids, that helps nurture a love of reading and history, while giving them a fun, unique experience.

Show Them Something New

Giving your grandkids brand new experiences is the best way to create lasting memories and strong bonds. You could show them something you enjoy, like gardening or baking, or do something new to both of you – like going to the theatre, a sporting event or concert.

You could try to make this an annual tradition where you find something new for you and your grandchildren to do year after year. This will give you and your grandkids to look forward to, and make these events extra special.

Surprise Them

One great way to be a memorable grandparent is to surprise your grandkids with something new each time they visit. That’s not to say you need to have a brand new toy waiting for them every time they come over. Instead, you could have something interesting in a special box for them to play with when they come over. Chocolates and sweets work as well, though they should be given in moderation.

You could put one of your children’s old toys in the box, books that you think they’ll enjoy or even little ornaments for them to find. Kids will love the element of surprise and fun, which they will happily associate with your home.