Seniors Lifestyle Magazine talks to Virtual Reality for Seniors

Virtual Reality May Help Senior Living

Seniors Lifestyle Magazine has previously published articles about means to improve senior living. Articles on health tips, dealing with caregiving, depression, anxiety and loneliness. Now I am happy to share a new theory...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Talks Senior Friendly Gardens

Senior Friendly Gardens are a MUST!

Gardens are beautiful things. They are beautiful to look at. They provide enjoyable surroundings.  Having senior friendly gardens means they are safe and accessible. Very important for senior living. They allow the senior to truly enjoy...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Senior Gadgets

Inspector Gadget or Senior Gadgets?

Senior gadgets will keep the mind sharper and longer No matter what age you are keeping your mind sharp is key. Technology can help! Senior gadgets are here. Research shows the use of computers and smartphones prolong...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Tips on Manging Senior Depression

4 Great Tips To Manage Senior Depression

Almost a quarter of people age 65 or older suffer from depression. Senior depression. It is one of the major causes of decline in the quality of life for...

How to make 60 the new 40!

Healthier Living May Delay Aging making 60 the new 40 By having an healthy and active style of living, a senior at 60 can definitely now be the new 40, holding off...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Senior Playgrounds

Swings or Slides? Playgrounds for seniors!

Seniors like to have just as much fun as kids! Most enjoy more than just knitting, playing cards, and reading. Active seniors = happy seniors. Do active seniors like playing? You bet! A new trend is...
Crafty Senior Home Care Keep them Busy scaled

Crafty Seniors – A Form of Senior Home Care?

Seniors understand creativity much more than those who are younger. They’ve had years to figure out that being creative isn’t just about becoming famous and well known. It’s about enjoying...