Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Active Seniors with Family scaled

8 Great Ideas for Active Seniors

For seniors, any time of year is a great time to start being more active and getting more exercise.  Outdoor sports in particular hold many health benefits for seniors...

Graceful Aging Tips Revealed from a 6 year Old to a 93 Year Old

Looking for some top tips on graceful aging? What age do you think we know how to do that? 40, 50, 60, 70, 80? Our next article will talk to senior...

Aging Monkeys and Aging Seniors – shedding friends?

It has been said often that the similariites between monkeys and humans are quite extensive. But I have to admit that this one I had never heard of. Seniors...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Asking for Help is Okay

Asking for Help – It’s Okay Seniors & Caregivers

As I go through many days in my life, I am amazed with the number of people that are in a caregiving role. Many are the sandwich generation, too and...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Senior Fun Marvellous Mondays

Marvellous Mondays without Melting

Well the weekend has passed and in the old days some of us dreaded Mondays. But you know what? Mondays can be marvellous if you have the right mindset...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Stop Senior Abuse

Is Your Senior Safe? A Report: Incidents of Aggression In Nursing Homes

Is your Senior Safe? Excellent insight into an informative report of acts of agression among residents at a long term care facility between April 2014 to March 2015. Specific to British Columbia but...
Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Techy Seniors scaled

Techy Seniors Gone Wild!

Who says that technology is for kids? Remember the times when many of us were intimidated by computers? We wouldn't think about owning a tablet. Maybe we even thought...