Got aging parents at home?
At some point a loved one may no longer be able to live on their own, either due to illness or just because of age related difficulties. Assisted Care Homes or also know as assisted living facilities, care for...
As our loved ones age, at some point many of them can no longer live on their own. It's never too early to start planning for how a senior member of your family will live when they are unable...
Talking about care options with your aging parents can be a difficult subject to bring up. You realize that the time has come because your parents are having problems using the stairs or taking their medication properly. Bringing up...
Choosing the right assisted living facility can be costly. Some offer a flat rate for services, and others have different packages. Before signing any contracts, make sure you understand what is included in the price, and whether there are...
There comes a time when many of us have living decisions to make, either for ourselves or for a loved one. If it’s a parent, living on their own may no longer be the best option. They need more...
As your parents grow older and have a harder time taking care of themselves, it can seem overwhelming to consider their best options. If you don’t live nearby or can’t dedicate enough time every day to properly take care...
Before dесiding about senior housing орtiоnѕ, fоr уоurѕеlf or a relative, уоu nееd to firѕt determine if аѕѕiѕtаnсе is nееdеd, what kind and how much. Chооѕing bеtwееn home саrе and moving tо аn аѕѕiѕtеd living community or long term care...
Have you thought about saving for senior care options? Have you started? No one really enjoys these conversations but a recent article that shows some financial considerations for senior care options in North America is an eye opener. Here are two in...
In the early stages of dementia, patients are aware that something is changing within their brains. They notice that they have memory loss and are confused by things which they once dealt with easily. They realize they can no...
As we get older, it’s only natural we’ll need more assistance to perform the tasks in our daily lives. Many people won’t realize they need help or will have a hard time admitting they need it, so it’s up...