Thanksgiving will soon be here. All year round we have thing we can be thankful for but on this day we are reminded of those things. They are the simple things. Family, food, a comfortable place to live.
Here are 5 simple things seniors can be thankful for this thanksgiving.
- Our family. As we grow older we appreciate our family members more. As seniors, we may have already lost so many loved ones. Though our family may not be nearby they are always in our thoughts and only a phone call or an email away. Family are special because they are the ones who are closest to you through blood ties or relationships.
- A cozy home. We may not own the most expensive house in the neighbourhood. Some of us might only have a tiny apartment and one in need of repairs at that! But it is still home and we can do so many tiny things to make it comfortable and a refuge on a cold, rainy day.
- Food on the table. Many seniors struggle with low incomes but still manage to put together a healthy, tasty meal every day. We have so much more than many others.
- Our health. Yes, aging does take its toll and many seniors have aches, pains and chronic diseases. Yet we are still getting around and doing things for ourselves. We are able to enjoy a walk outdoors on a sunny day or an afternoon spent looking at the fall colors.
- Our pets. So many of us have a canine or feline friend. Others have a bird or some other type of companion that shares their days. All of them offer unconditional love and we are fortunate to have them in our lives.
We, as seniors, have so many opportunities. There are options available now that were never heard of in our grandparent’s day. We have hobbies like music and computers. Many of us get to travel to places our ancestors only read about in books. This Thanksgiving make a list of all you have to be thankful for. It will probably be quite long!