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You want to give your aging loved one the best care possible, but it can be a daunting task. Make the process simple and successful with these tips. When the time comes to hire help for your loved one, you want to make sure you’re placing them in the best hands possible. Finding someone to step into this important role can be difficult for everyone involved, but there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier. Here are some tips for hiring a senior caregiver who’s a great match professionally and personally for your loved one.

Create a Clear Job Description

Before you even start your search, you need a clear and thorough list of what you need in your candidates. Consider all the things your loved one needs, big or small, and write them all down so that you remember to ask them in your interviews. It helps to think through an average day or week with your loved one and to take note of everything they need. Be up-front about special needs or circumstances. No matter who you hire, you want them to have experience in the situations your loved one is facing.

Conduct Multiple interviews

Be patient throughout the interview process. First impressions are important—and you should pay attention to them—but you want to take your time to make sure the candidate is right for the job. Scheduling multiple interviews is perfectly normal; in fact, a second round of interviews provides the perfect opportunity for the top candidates to meet your loved one if they haven’t already. No matter how many interviews you have, be sure to make the most of your time with each candidate by asking plenty of questions and learning more about their experience, personality, and capabilities.

Perform a Background Check

As with any job, one of the top tips for hiring a senior caregiver is to run a background check on your potential caregiver. Background checks can show you potential problems with a candidate before you hire them, saving you a lot of hassle down the road. It’s also important to check any and all references a candidate provides—especially from former employers. By thoroughly inspecting a candidate’s background, you can better judge the kind of care they’ll give and how well they’ll work with your loved one.