Got aging parents at home?
Caring for a loved one can be a challenging and rewarding experience. But it can also be exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Caregivers need time to themselves to recharge and maintain their own mental health. Unfortunately, this is often...
When considering professional home care for a senior loved one, family caregivers may have to sift through an overwhelming amount of information, making it difficult to know what is true and what isn’t. Where could family caregivers and seniors...
Assistive devices are items that will help you with a variety of daily activities. They can maintain your independence and improve your quality of life. In many ways they add to your safety and make living much easier. All...
A recent study shows that many Americans do not live close enough to an in home care services which means one of two things. They have to stay in the hospital longer OR family must be prepared to caregive. Senior in...
During a year when the cost of everything seems to be going up, how can caregivers get bargains on home-health equipment and medical supplies they use regularly? Fortunately, even while inflation rages, grocery prices rise weekly, and gasoline is...
Safety First - For Kids And Pets As the aging Baby Boomer population retires, more and more Boomer seniors are having home elevators installed.             Along with this increase in sales and installations of in home lifts, has come an increase in...
Before dесiding about senior housing орtiоnѕ, fоr уоurѕеlf or a relative, уоu nееd to firѕt determine if аѕѕiѕtаnсе is nееdеd, what kind and how much. Chооѕing bеtwееn home саrе and moving tо аn аѕѕiѕtеd living community or long term care...
As parents and loved ones become older, their wellbeing and safety can become major concerns. For all of us, our memories can struggle with age, and that can affect how well we look after ourselves. That can range from...