Got aging parents at home?


Caregiving is one of the most selfless acts a person can do and so many people around the world and don’t even know that they are doing it!
Senior Lifestyle Magazine is a source for you to rely on to truly obtain key information to and inspiring stories to help you on your caregiving journey.

Imagine the cozy walls of your childhood home, where each footstep on those familiar floorboards echoed a thousand memories. As the golden years approach, wouldn't it be a dream for your loved ones to be surrounded by such warmth...
This summer has brought scorching heat and relentless humidity for many of us! Record-breaking temperatures have persisted for weeks and months in numerous regions across North America and around the globe. The prolonged dry spell has exacerbated the heat,...
Many of us are new at caregiving for a family member. You are now responsible for a list of unknown responsibilities that can change each day. Caregiving for someone close to you can be heart breaking and leave you...
Abuse and neglect of the elderly is a worldwide problem. The totals run into more than 2 million cases each year. Almost 10% of the elderly population will experience some type of abuse, the median age being 78. Most...
Personalized in-home care is revolutionizing the way we support and care for our senior population. By tailoring care plans to meet the unique needs of each individual, this approach enhances overall well-being and fosters independence.  According to BioMed Central, the...
In senior caregiver centers, the well-being and happiness of employees are crucial for providing exceptional care to elderly residents. Unfortunately, the demanding nature of this profession, combined with the emotional challenges that arise from working closely with seniors, can...
Things to Consider Your parents are who brought you into this world. They are the ones who schooled you, looked after you, and took care of every little need of yours during childhood. So, it’s only fitting that when the...
Driving can be stressful at any age, but many motorists find that they lose confidence as they get older. Sound, vision and reaction times can be affected as you get older, which can make the roads daunting especially as...
We age from the time we are born. We do not have to look much further than within our own families to see that this is true, observing the growth of the children in our lives. From infancy, they...
Choosing the right caregiver for a senior takes time. It's vital everyone involved is prepared for what's to come. Consider how to formulate the interview, conduct a background check, and verify their experience. The most crucial tip is ensuring the caregiver...