Got aging parents at home?


Caregiving is one of the most selfless acts a person can do and so many people around the world and don’t even know that they are doing it!
Senior Lifestyle Magazine is a source for you to rely on to truly obtain key information to and inspiring stories to help you on your caregiving journey.

With our country’s rapidly aging population, the day may well come when you must provide (or help to provide) care for an aging parent/friend/partner. Regrettably, many potential caregivers completely disregard this fact and are caught unaware. I speak from...
We have helped over 3200 people with the downsizing process and  we have seen lots of fact drawers full of it. Some is neatly organized and others simply "dumped" into a box or two. Some is valuable, some...
Many aging families struggle with the uncertain future of keeping elderly parents safe and comfortable. The realities to be faced about this frequently occur after a major loss — loss of a spouse, significant health decline, reduction in Activities...
Caregiving is an important obligation many people take on as part of their social responsibility. Approximately 1 in 3 adults in the United States has at least once provided care as an informal caregiver. Many of them are students.  While...
More than 40 million adults in the U.S. support and take care of aging, disabled or ill family members. While many of us think as caregivers as those who look after seniors, caregivers are a huge group who look...
It is difficult to recognize the warning signs that your aging loved ones may need extra care, as life becomes busy and family disperses. Visits and phone calls become less frequent, making it difficult to pin point any signals...
Are you going to start your new day with the brand new caregiver that your loved ones have hired for you? Or are you the one, trying to adjust so that with the caregiver so that you can get...
We thought it was hard dealing with our children, right? First, those infamous toddlers that are learning about life and have minds of their own. They don't want to listen through the terrible twos. Then they hit school age,...
Choosing the right caregiver for a senior takes time. It's vital everyone involved is prepared for what's to come. Consider how to formulate the interview, conduct a background check, and verify their experience. The most crucial tip is ensuring the caregiver...
For many seniors, things haven’t changed much since they were six years old and on the playground. They are still being teased, embarrassed, pushed around and made to feel like they aren’t good enough. The bullying they thought they...