Got aging parents at home?
It has been quite the year for everyone, but one group has been impacted by the COVID pandemic in ways they never could have imagined: graduates. They spent more time in front of the computer than in the classroom and...
Image Credit People have different reasons for starting up businesses in their 50s and 60s. You may be looking for a way to keep busy in retirement. Maybe you finally have the chance to pursue something that you've always been...
To procrastinate: delay or postpone action; put off doing something One of the things I’ve found during this crisis is that I have rediscovered and am now channeling my inner procrastinator. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve...
Image credit Most likely while going to work every day, ideas come to mind of other things you would like to do. Now that you're retired, make a list of volunteer opportunities you would love to be involved with and...
Image Credit Now that seeing your friends will once again become more of a regular thing, you might want to think up some alternative activities that you can all do together rather than going back to your normal routine. If...
Being together for six decades is a big deal! You and your spouse have spent years supporting one another through good times and bad. Picking out the perfect gift to celebrate this accomplishment is important but isn’t always easy....
If you love your community and have recently found yourself with time on your hands, here are some ideas on how to help the most vulnerable population in your town: the elderly. Special Skills If your education or job experience has...
Avaline by Cameron Diaz is the latest organic wine to hit the shelves in extremely exclusive stores and vendors. Celebrities are constantly rolling out passion projects, whether they’re perfume, bath bombs, snacks, drinks, or more. Few celebrity-based projects stay...
Photo by James Discombe on Unsplash A former Roman Catholic archbishop, Charles J. Chaput, has published a controversial new book, Things Worth Dying For, that has jump started my thinking about my own mortality--and how it might be impacted by beliefs I...
Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels For many seniors, retirement signals a new chapter in life to explore new dreams, passions or interests. Traditionally, retirement was seen as a time to slow down and enjoy life, explore the world, and enjoy those hobbies...