Got aging parents at home?

Health & Well-Being

Health and wellness…..good health and healthy living all lead to wellness.
They go hand in hand don’t you think?
What does health and wellness mean to you?
The very thought of health and wellness can be very overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.
It should be fun inspiring and very rewarding.

Pneumonia is a serious infection at any age but after 65 it is also a major cause of death. Many seniors don’t know the symptoms of pneumonia or that there are ways to prevent it. Originating from bacteria, viruses...
High stress, high blood pressure, insomnia all are cause to think about how to relax. Or maybe you just want to relax without being told to relax! Many people think that in order to relax you must spend a...
In today’s technological world, there are many benefits to being “online” and using the internet. It allows you to stay connected to distant family and friends, research any topic of interest, book your next vacation and shop, shop, shop. However,...
The signs of Vitamin B deficiency may be subtle at first. You may feel more fatigued. Perhaps you’re paler and more irritable. Depression and even confusion may start to kick in as you get more and more depleted of...
Celiac disease and gluten intolerance (or sensitivity) have quite similar symptoms. However, the outcome of each can be completely different.   What are the major symptoms of Celiac Disease?   Digestive problems which can include: Bloating of your abdomen Pain Gas Diarrhea...
Diabetes didn’t mean that much to me before yesterday. Yes, my grandmother had it for decades, along with some close friends, but it hadn’t affected me personally. I had a vague understanding about the disease, but really just...
In this crazy, busy world we sometimes forget very important things. Time and time again, it seems to be our seniors. Yet seniors are a wealth of information, from story tellers to historical events, we can learn from seniors. They...
When you hear the word gun, what do you think about? Bullets, gunshots and a trigger, right? Well I do. And many think danger or death. Now we hear that there is possibly a new trigger for strokes. The worse part, this...
This is the time of year where snowbirds start their migration! Seniors travelling to warmer places in the winter are more common then ever. Wouldn't you want to be in a warmer place if you are exposed to crazy,...
There are so many ways to get fit and relax. And yoga is just one of them. Yoga is great for any age and can be for any physical ability (or lack of). Senior yoga can help you feel better,...