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Sometimes our elderly parents may do or say things that really bother us. They may repeat stories many times, forgetting they’ve already told you the same story a hundred times before. They forget a lot of things, which worries us because sometimes we forget things too! But most seniors are also aware of their fading cognitive abilities and hurtful remarks certainly won’t help them.

Are there better ways to deal with memory loss and other issues?

  • Sticky notes. Don’t ask your aging parent how they can continue to forget the same thing. Why not leave reminder notes? The fridge is a good place or even on their mirror. Place them in an obvious area that you know they will look every day. Tell them that you use the same method at home to remember important items.
  • Write down instructions. Rather than telling your parents over and over how to use the remote for the television, write down simple instructions. You can also purchase remotes that have a simpler design, larger buttons and easier to read numbers and words.
  • Get used to confusing conversations. At times your parent may take a conversation off track. This is because something you are talking about has reminded them of something else. Let them tell their story and then gently bring the conversation back to its original topic.
  • Repetitive stories. Don’t remind your parents when they repeat a story. Join in if you can and enjoy it. One day they won’t be around and you’ll miss their stories!
  • Don’t ask for items to be passed down. This is just rude. Most seniors have a list of who they would like to give certain items to when they die. You can suggest this tactfully and maybe your parent will tell you they’ve already started on their list!







Many adults have no sensitivity when it comes to dealing with the elderly, especially their own family! Put yourself in their place. After all, one day, if you are lucky, that’s where you’ll be. Think before you speak and don’t say things that you wouldn’t want said to you.