Celebrating a 60th Birthday

A 60th birthday is an important milestone in life. It’s well worth celebrating your relative navigating their way through to this stage in life, and it might prompt some nostalgia and reminisce across your family. Ideally, you’ll be able to spend quality time with them over their birthday, but it can be difficult if you live far away. As a special gesture, you could club together with your family to buy them a weekend away, or you could even go for something small and more intimate such as a personalised birthday card. Below, we explore how best to celebrate a 60th birthday party with the family.

Evening dinner

One option for celebrating is an evening dinner. This could be at your relative’s favourite restaurant, or you could pull out all the stops and cook the dinner yourself. Naturally, you’ll need to be confident cooking for plenty of people, but this can make for a wonderful, heartfelt gesture. 

Pass the parcel

Pass the parcel can be an excellent activity on the day. However, it’s even better if it comes with a twist. Each layer of packaging could reveal something linked to your relative’s life. You could include newspaper clippings from the day they were born, tickets to a destination or artist they love, and memorable family pictures. 

Renew wedding vows

For something more intimate, you can renew vows during a 60th birthday weekend. This will need to be something discussed as a couple. Renewing your vows is a second ceremony celebrating the reaffirmation of your love and care towards your partner. By carrying this out in a beautiful, intimate setting, it can be perfect for a 60th birthday weekend.

Weekend away

A weekend away can be a wonderful 60th birthday treat. This can take many different forms. Your relative could go on a romantic European city break with their partner, or you could all go as a family to a picturesque UK destination such as the Lake District. Plus, if they’re feeling particularly ambitious, they could book a cruise! Either way, a holiday can be an exciting way to celebrate a 60th

Bucket list

Finally, you could also see if your relative has any bucket list dreams that you could help them fulfill. These are the things they dream of enjoying in their lifetime and often include seeing the Northern Lights or visiting one of the seven wonders of the world. 

A 60th birthday party is a moment to look back on life and to look excitedly ahead. And by helping organise any of the ideas above, you can give your relative a birthday to remember for years to come.