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Colds and the flu can have much more serious consequences for seniors than for the younger population. As we age, life-threatening complications can arise from both. Both colds and the flu are viral illnesses which are contagious. They are spread mostly through particles from other’s sneezing and coughing. You can also end up with a cold or the flu when you touch something that is contaminated with the virus. You then transfer these germs to your mouth or nose. There are ways to prevent contacting colds and the flu.


See your healthcare provider for your yearly flu shot. For those over 65 you can also receive a vaccine for pneumonia. Many colds and the flu can easily develop into pneumonia in an elderly person.

Eat Healthy Food

Eating well helps to build up your immune system. Even if you do end up with a cold or the flu your symptoms won’t be as bad as they could be. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Stay hydrated. Flu and cold season tends to occur in the winter months. If you live in a part of the world where your home is heated during the winter, the dryness from the heat can cause nasal passages to dry out. This makes them more susceptible to picking up germs. Invest in a humidifier if you need to.


Sleep More and Lower Your Stress Levels

Most of us don’t get enough sleep. Try to rest more or nap during the day if you must. Take steps to lower stress. Stress also affects your immune system, making it easier for you to catch viral diseases.

Avoid Crowds

Since more people have colds during the winter season, try to stay away from busy shopping malls and other crowded places if you can. Once you get home wash your hands immediately.

As you age become more pro-active in looking out for yourself. Treat yourself better. It will result in improved health. To read the full article on preventing cold and flu in seniors, click here.