Additional Travel Tips for Seniors
We have shared a few articles previously on senior travel and wanted to add some more great tips for you since this is the season for travelling!
Travelling is one...
How to Order Glasses Online: A Guide for Seniors
Online shopping is no longer a novelty; it's a staple of modern life embraced by all generations, including seniors.
According to a study published on Research Gate, online shopping among...
Saving With Senior Discounts
Most of us could use a bit of financial help as we get older. For those who live on a fixed income, senior discounts can make the difference between...
Mental Health and Aging
Being healthy as you age is important. Part of aging well is being healthy mentally and emotionally. The population of the world is rapidly aging and approximately 15% of...
The Natural Health Benefits of Garlic
One of the earliest treatments for disease and maintaining health was garlic. It has been used since the beginning of recorded history and was found in ancient Greek temples...
Senior Living Fun Indoors!
Sometimes even in the summer, it is nice to relax and have some senior living indoor fun. There are a variety of indoor sports that seniors enjoy. All of these...
How Swimming Can Benefit Seniors
Most forms of exercise are good for seniors. It increases their flexibility, helps with balance and makes their hearts stronger. Exercise improves your mood and helps to reduce anxiety...