Got aging parents at home?
Photo by The New York Public Library The question in the headline is quite relevant to us older boomers (those born before 1950 or so), sixty plus million of whom, now in their 70’s, are likely entering the last stage of their (our) lives. Most...
The holidays are fast approaching, and this year, everything feels a little different. Embrace the feeling and make your gift-giving experience a little different as well with unique packaging and gift wrap. Here are five unusual small gift packaging ideas...
Volunteer work can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do. There are a variety of places you can volunteer, such as libraries or hospitals but many volunteers choose to work with seniors. Some will be volunteering...
Aging without children


When we are born, none of us slide into the world with labels stating who we will be as adults. No matter what our parent's plans for us would be, we are the ultimate chooser of our destiny. Although...
On July 10, 1940 the German Luftwaffe began attacking British supply convoys in the English Channel for the first time, marking what the British would come to recognise as the official start of the Battle of Britain.  Men from 15...
Hold on, say what? You read that right. At the onset of a global pandemic in the digital age, everyone seems to be rediscovering the power of the internet. From Zoom classrooms, Instagram live birthdays, to Facebook live weddings...
We are Simon and Carla and we have a sailing channel called Sailing Ocean Fox on YouTube. We have been sailing around the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, and the Caribbean for the past two years and have been documenting our...
Tight skin and injected lips aren’t nearly as sexy as the seventy-something who still goes to the gym every day and works it. Pretty much everyone recognizes the benefits of exercise. An entire industry has been built around promoting proactive...
Reassembling a dozen cast members from a popular 90s TV sitcom could pose a challenge for any network, much less an individual. But it was a task Fran Drescher relished. As star of the hit CBS series “The Nanny,”...
Being old in captivity brings a whole new set of problems. Each age group has faced unique challenges in the face of this horrific world attack by an evil virus and the world has now seen the ravages of...