Got aging parents at home?

Health & Well-Being

Health and wellness…..good health and healthy living all lead to wellness.
They go hand in hand don’t you think?
What does health and wellness mean to you?
The very thought of health and wellness can be very overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.
It should be fun inspiring and very rewarding.

Neck pain can be, well, a pain in the neck. Most times, neck pain isn’t serious, but it sure is unpleasant. If you want to get rid of your neck pain for good, check out our five strategies for...
Recently we published an article all about beautiful, sunny Australia. Today, we’re heading in a different direction and for those of our followers located in Canada (and/or much of northern United States) we’ll be writing about a topic much...
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Depression In Seniors

As we get older, our bodies go through many changes. Our bones become more fragile, muscle mass begins to decline, and you can even shrink in height. All of these are normal effects of aging, however, one problem that...
You wouldn’t want the knives in your kitchen, the pencils on your desk, or the books that you read to be dull, would you? If it’s important to keep ordinary things like that sharp, think how much more important...
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Is Your Skin Aging?

Our skin is our largest organ. It protects us from the environment, from bacteria and fungus and other allergens. It helps our body sense touch, pain and temperature. Your skin is a barrier that you can't live without! Most...
For various reasons at some time in your life you may find yourself having to follow a special diet. Diabetics have to watch their sugar intake and be careful with carbohydrates. Those who have celiac disease need to stay...
When you’re reading a book, are you more interested in looking at the pages you haven’t seen yet, or are you more eager to go back and re-read the ones you already have?             Do you generally find that the final...
Baby Boomers are defying all stereotypes and turning out to be a fairly tech savvy, globe trotting generation. Entering the age of retirement, and as a generation that has worked hard for their savings, Boomers now want to enjoy...
Sleep is an important step to living a healthy, happy life. In fact, you might find it quite difficult to get through the day at all if you haven’t had enough sleep. This is true for anyone, but it...
The AA has released a new video which aims to tackle car theft and car crime after the AA survey found the following:             · 1 in 4 don’t think about car crime · 1 in 10 think modern cars are theft-proof ·...