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If you are one of those owners who cannot eat anything in front of your dog, because the cute look makes you feel guilty and you really don’t want to share your food, then the homemade treats are an excellent alternative to the traditional treats from the store. As our canines get older, our furry friends require more care and healthy food.

Today, I’m going to share some healthy food tips for senior dogs and ingredients that you can include if you prepare homemade treats or other snacks for senior dogs.








The key for any homemade food is that it should be natural, healthy, and nutritious. You can prepare it in a short time, it’s ideal to pamper your dog at any time.

A snack should always come a small and tasty portion, which you can offer to your senior dog as a reward, but not as a substitute for its regular nutrition. This type of food is not intended to be 100% nutritious, it’s something that your furry friend can eat as a snack and doesn’t substitute a good diet.  Therefore, if you prepare your snacks, then you do not want to over-complicate and spend hours preparing a recipe, you want something simple and quick to prepare.

Fruits and vegetables as a healthy reward for your senior dog

Seniors Lifestyle Magazine Talks To Healthy Food Choice For Senior Dogs

The first option that I propose, which does not require any special preparation, are fruits and vegetables. You can and should provide them to your dog on a regular basis.

When it comes to choosing the healthy options, there are 2 characteristics to look for this type of food: delicious and easily chewable.

List of best veggies and fruits for senior dogs:


You can offer it on its own or not. Depending on the taste of your dog for this healthy vegetable, you can cut it into smaller pieces, in sticks, and if your dog is big and enjoys it, even one carrot of a reasonable size will do the job.


There are dogs that eat it all, but I recommend that you chop it into chunks or smaller rounded pieces if necessary. Remember to take away the seeds before.


Well washed and without the leaves, strawberries are an ideal snack that your paw friend will enjoy regardless of the size and age. If you have never offered them strawberries before, the tip is to prepare it in small pieces and give them one by one to pique their interest.


Its sweet taste makes them very appetizing for your pet. Try giving it in small pieces, and then, depending on the size, your dog may eat (and play with it in the meantime) a full banana one day. This is my pup’s all-time favorite!

A teaspoon of peanut butter.

The peanut butter is a very nutritious food, which will your dog healthy and it has beneficial fatty acids for your dog. Once or twice a week is sufficient.

Not all of these foods will be available year-round, too, we want some variety. Well, here are some simple recipes that you can prepare for every occasion.