Got aging parents at home?

Health & Well-Being

Health and wellness…..good health and healthy living all lead to wellness.
They go hand in hand don’t you think?
What does health and wellness mean to you?
The very thought of health and wellness can be very overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.
It should be fun inspiring and very rewarding.

May is Older Americans Month. This is a celebration of the contributions older Americans have made and their stories. Older Americans month is led by the Administration for Community Living. It gives everyone a chance to learn about and...
Introduction to Kayaking for Seniors Kayaking is an activity often associated with youth and adventure, but it's a fantastic option for seniors seeking a low-impact, enjoyable way to stay fit and active. Kayaking offers a multitude of benefits for physical...
Earth Day is April 22nd and this year's theme is EarthPLAY. EarthPLAY celebrates our great outdoors and wilderness areas. Though the idea is directed toward children since they are outdoors less than they once were, it also applies to...
What does depression looks like? Lack of interest, lethargy and sadness are all visible signs that we notice. Depression in seniors can manifest itself in different ways than it does in younger adults. Old age and disease can be...
Hobbies are important at any age but for seniors hobbies can help you to age well. One of the most popular senior hobbies is spending time in the garden. Aging and chronic conditions such as arthritis can make physical...
This is my last article highlighting seniors I work with at Hixson Elementary School. During the next school season, I will introduce you to several more fabulous seniors I have gotten to know. In my last article, I discussed how...
Additional openings underscore retailer’s commitment to expand statewide access to better hearing health information, resources, and hearing aid options. Palm Beach Gardens, FLORIDA, April 11, 2024 — Leading hearing care retailer HearUSA today announced plans to open six new state-of-the-art...
More than 1.3 million seniors live in nursing homes and other care facilities across the United States. While many of them provide great service, you really have to pay well for quality care these days. It’s understandable to feel...
Being old is not only about gaining wisdom. It’s about dealing with the negative effects of aging. For instance, seniors can have difficulty with their physical health and mental capabilities.  One underrated thing caregivers can come across is speech problems...
April 7th is World Health Day, the day we celebrate global health awareness. This year’s theme is depression, a subject that is quite often brought up in regards to seniors’ health. Below are some of our favourite articles regarding health...