Got aging parents at home?
It’s hard to deny the benefits of social media: We can stay in touch with friends and family near and far, meet new people, and even find communities of like-minded strangers who share the same interests and hobbies. No...
We all need a break from our regular routine from time to time. That includes seniors and caregivers! With summer here many of us are talking about vacation plans. Senior travel is a very important aspect for senior's overall...
Most days he gets shot, drowned and set on fire. You can see why Jim Dowdall doesn’t want to retire. English stunt man Jim Dowdall is in his seventies with grey hair, hearing aids and a ready smile. He’s chatting...
I am 67 years old and retired from writing the metro column for the Evansville, Ind., Courier & Press. (My legacy website is It has links to my columns, the columns of others, my Appalachian writings and a...
A new favorite for seniors at this time of year is the Ugly Christmas Sweater party. Considered a great stress reliever and a lot of fun, seniors are making ugly Christmas sweaters by the dozen. What constitutes an ugly...
If you are trying to exercise more or get together more often with friends and meet new people, sports may help. Here are the top social sports to try out. Two aspects of life that you should maintain as the...
Originating hundreds of years ago in the 4th century, at one time Valentine’s Day had a darker connotation. It later evolved to honor at least one saint and by the 14th century started to become the holiday that we...
As soon as you reach the middle-age, you feel a lot of changes going in your life. These unpredictable changes affect your physical and mental health equally. Heavy breathing after a little run, depression knocking at your door now...
Caregivers, particularly family members who are caregivers, want to spend time with their loved ones in a meaningful way. But lack of time tends to get in the way. There are so many other tasks that need to be...
We think we know our hometown like the backs of our hands. We know the restaurants, the bookstores and coffee shops, the spots where crowds congregate on the weekends, how residents young and old spend their free time. But...