Got aging parents at home?
As you grow older there may come a point where you might consider moving out of your own home into an assisted living community. Many people consider this a loss of independence; however, assisted learning communities are a great...
At the best of times, moving can be chaotic and stressful. You have to be an organizational wizard to keep everything on track and on time. Moving to a new home for a senior with dementia is even more...
At some point many of those with Alzheimer’s will need assisted living. Though there are many supports in place for Alzheimer patients to live on their own, as the disease progresses, the question will be whether or not it’s...
There comes a time when many of us have living decisions to make, either for ourselves or for a loved one. If it’s a parent, living on their own may no longer be the best option. They need more...
At some point a loved one may no longer be able to live on their own, either due to illness or just because of age related difficulties. Assisted Care Homes or also know as assisted living facilities, care for...
Have you thought about saving for senior care options? Have you started? No one really enjoys these conversations but a recent article that shows some financial considerations for senior care options in North America is an eye opener. Here are two in...
Making the change to assisted living is difficult for a senior, even one who has chosen this themselves. Your loved one may understandably regret their loss of independence. If they are still in their home it is a double loss....
Talking about care options with your aging parents can be a difficult subject to bring up. You realize that the time has come because your parents are having problems using the stairs or taking their medication properly. Bringing up...