Got aging parents at home?
One of my favourite expressions is “The Priority Is” especially when working with seniors that are emotional and their families. Each person/ each family has different priorities and often people don’t stop to recognize what they are.             Senior Moves tries to...
Senior hosting on Airbnb have grown at an astonishing rate over the last year. More than ever, seniors are opening up their homes to provide rooms or their entire house to guests who are visiting their area.             For those who...
Retirement living operators are embracing new industry standards that were launched in December 2018.             The Retirement Living Code of Conduct, which was released by the Property Council of Australia Retirement Living Council, in conjunction with Leading Age Services Australia (LASA),...
Congratulations on finding love again and deciding to remarry. Seniors are remarrying in record numbers. Perhaps your divorce  occurred when you were in your 50s, 60s, or even later, or your marriage may have ended with the death of...
When a family home has to be emptied after the death of your Mother or Father, it can be a painful process to start to dismantle what was once your treasured family home. Our client needed assistance to have...
Our client describes his experience with having to move from a 5000 sq. ft. home in the country, to a designing and decorating project of his new 1200 square foot home in the city as a ‘potential disaster’, and...
Many of us regard impending retirement as a stage of life when we can finally extricate ourselves from the challenging (and often exhausting) work world--and begin enjoying a less stressful, leisurely life.             By contrast, others see retirement and aging as...
An unfortunate aspect of increasing age is that you may not be able to get together with your old friends as often as you used to.             Poor health, transportation problems, or diminished income may conspire to complicate your efforts to...
Retirees are often living in the same home in which they raised their families. The neighbourhoods are often suburban with large yards and far from the nearest shopping areas. There are schools and playgrounds, parks and areas for jogging...
Our retirement is supposed to be a time when we can relax and enjoy the fruits of our lifetime labours. However, for many it is a time of financial worry and going without necessities. Many seniors are entering their...