Many seniors are at odds with others over the question of money. Should they spend what they have saved over the years or should they pass it on as an inheritance? At one time it was more common to...
So the market is hot and you decide to sell your house —and found the perfect place to call home. Only one problem? How do I declutter all this stuff.
Here are five tips for decluttering before a move that’ll make for a...
In 2015 approximately 160,000 people between the ages of 55 and 64 were laid off from their jobs. Permanently. At this stage in their lives, many older workers are trying to pay off mortgages, lines of credit and credit...
There is a lot of information available on how to build a retirement plan. Most of it is aimed at younger people. We’re told how we could retire with millions if we start to put such and such an...
Trends in aging are changing. Many of us are heading toward retirement on our own, most by choice. Though some are retiring alone due to other circumstances, all retirees are looking forward and wondering what their future will bring....
Even if you aren’t a caregiver for your elderly parents there may come a time when financial issues have to be discussed with them. Sometimes seniors aren’t able to handle their money as well when they age. Often this...
There comes a time when many of us have living decisions to make, either for ourselves or for a loved one. If it’s a parent, living on their own may no longer be the best option. They need more...
Pre-planning your own or your loved one’s funeral arrangements is something that is sometimes difficult to think about. But it is something that simply should be done.
No one wants to think about their own or their loved ones’ death...
Press Release
For Immediate Release:
Action for Universal Design
“Living in Place”© campaign calls for Ontario Building Code to be changed to require that all new apartments and condos be 100% visitable and adaptable for barrier-free living for all.
Sept 18, 2017
Toronto ON...
Recently we discovered an article published by The Globe and Mail, ‘Seniors taking out mortgages – is it ever a good idea?' By Diane Jermyn. The article follows a senior couple who are considering accessing funds locked up in...