
It isn’t uncommon to associate braces with children and teenagers but it is becoming more and more common in adults and seniors too. There is no reason why you can’t consider the option of getting braces after 50 to fix your crooked and misaligned teeth. In fact, Invisalign is becoming really popular amongst seniors. Just because you spent your entire life  with crooked teeth doesn’t mean you can’t correct them now. In this article, we will learn about how and why Invisalign is a great teeth alignment option for seniors.

How Does Invisalign Work?







A common misconception about why adults cannot get teeth straightening braces like Invisalign is because their teeth are fully set and can no longer move. It surely is easier to set the teeth of children and teenagers since their jaws and teeth are more malleable.

However, with the right pressure, it is possible to straighten misaligned teeth at any age. Invisalign works on the same principle. It puts pressure on the teeth and moves them slowly. When you put in Invisalign, they will exert more pressure on the teeth over a period of time. This will eventually straighten crooked teeth into the right place.

You can opt for Invisalign for adults if you want to align a few teeth of the otherwise straight set of pearly whites or if all your teeth are crooked.

Why Does the Invisalign Treatment Take Longer?

Since the adult teeth are more set than teenage teeth, it will take longer to get the desired results. The pressure from this orthodontic treatment will surely straighten the teeth but it is important to follow the orthodontist’s instructions to the T.

For instance, if you do not wear the Invisalign for the recommended time, the treatment will take much longer. If you forget to put back the Invisalign after taking them out, the teeth will start drifting back to their original positions. Taking it out for an hour while you eat and popping it back won’t have any effect. However, if you leave out the aligners for days, there won’t be any progress.

This will definitely extend the treatment time because the aligners will have to re-work on the teeth they already did and then proceed to the additional work.

How to Use Invisalign Correctly?

If you want to fix crooked teeth quickly using the Invisalign, you need to remember the following points:

  • Wear the aligners for a complete duration of two-weeks before switching to the next pair. The teeth will move into position within the first few days of wearing them. The next two-week period will allow the bone to shore up the tooth root in the new position. Avoiding this period will cause the teeth to become loose and fall out.
  • You must wear aligners the entire day, with the exception of eating and practicing dental hygiene like brushing and flossing. This will make sure that the treatment is on track.
  • The saliva in the mouth contains important minerals that fight bacteria. But with the aligners present on the teeth, the minerals won’t be able to reach the teeth. This is why you must remove your aligners and brush and floss after every meal to maintain oral health.

Cost of Invisalign for Seniors

Two important factors that determine the cost of Invisalign are:

  1. The extent of alignment that your teeth require
  2. The number of aligners that you will need throughout the treatment

The cost of these braces for adults varies widely but it is usually in the range of $3,000 and $8,000.

Check if your dental plan covers the cost of Invisalign. Ask your orthodontist for the different payment plans and check for an affordable option.

Don’t let age trick you into believing that you can’t get the straight set of teeth that you always dreamt of, even after the age of 50. With Invisalign, you can be assured of a beautiful smile. Visit an orthodontist to discuss your treatment plan.