Got aging parents at home?


Caregiving is one of the most selfless acts a person can do and so many people around the world and don’t even know that they are doing it!
Senior Lifestyle Magazine is a source for you to rely on to truly obtain key information to and inspiring stories to help you on your caregiving journey.

Buying a Car

How To Buy A Car

Having worked at an auto dealership, I can offer you a few tips for buying a new car. Before you  go to any showroom, know what your trade-in is worth, what credit is available to you, and what  you...
Around 81% of older US adults still have a license and drive regularly, with the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration stating that one in every five drivers on the road is 65 or above. Driving has many documented benefits,...
We sometimes avoid certain conversations because they seem intimidating or difficult in some way, but it’s essential to have them, especially when it’s time for a change. It may seem like the best route is just to rip the band-aid...
Private senior care or home care fills a widening gap in needed services, especially for those who have elderly parents who need care. With waiting lists for nursing homes or long term care facilities in many areas, or loved...
So I’m watching a younger friend in what from my vantage point looks like a life and death struggle of values and wills about how to deal with his failing parents.             His father’s now 89; his mother’s 86, and they’re...
In the realm of hospice care, the goal is not only to provide medical support but also to ensure the highest possible quality of life for patients. Unlike traditional medical care that focuses on curing diseases or prolonging life,...
“Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring – not even a mouse …” It was a tradition for Dad to share a rendition of this seasonal poem with our family …...
Ask any current or former caregiver to describe the role of caregiving and the answer you will often hear is “journey”. The definition is certainly appropriate; however, there can be much more to the job. As a former co-caregiver...
A recent study shows that many Americans do not live close enough to an in home care services which means one of two things. They have to stay in the hospital longer OR family must be prepared to caregive. Senior in...
Are you going to start your new day with the brand new caregiver that your loved ones have hired for you? Or are you the one, trying to adjust so that with the caregiver so that you can get...