Got aging parents at home?

Health & Well-Being

Health and wellness…..good health and healthy living all lead to wellness.
They go hand in hand don’t you think?
What does health and wellness mean to you?
The very thought of health and wellness can be very overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.
It should be fun inspiring and very rewarding.

Knee arthritis is a prevalent cause of knee pain among older adults, affecting millions of people worldwide. It is essential to comprehend this condition thoroughly as it plays a significant role in the knee pain experienced by older individuals. Types...
A myriad of factors contribute to the well-being of older individuals. For caregivers and family members, answering the question, “What does quality of life really mean for seniors?” can help finalize difficult choices about an elder’s living situation.  How the...
Hockey is a sport that captures the hearts of individuals of all ages, and seniors are no exception. The thrill of gliding on the ice, the team's camaraderie, and the game's pure joy can be a lifelong passion. However,...
I had a birthday recently--I'm 77, and for those who remember the ancient tv series I've been saying I'm on "77 Sunset Strip" just to be amusing.  Hopefully, I won't be sunsetting that soon... But put me on a tennis...
Seniors living in care facilities often face a unique set of challenges that can contribute to feelings of depression. Understanding these challenges can empower seniors and caregivers to create environments that promote mental wellness and improve the quality of...
As the prevalence of vision issues rises nationwide, studies have found that this rate is even more alarmingly high among older adults. Specifically, ophthalmological surveys have found that 56% of people aged 65 and older are diagnosed with at...
In recent years, the demand for cosmetic treatments has significantly surged across all age groups, from teenagers seeking to enhance their features to seniors looking to reverse the signs of aging.   However, understanding cosmetic procedures and age restrictions can be...
Someone asked the other day if I exercise at all. I indignantly responded that it depends on what type of exercise one means? I must admit my exercise is age related. In other words, appropriate for someone in their laugh...
More than 1.3 million seniors live in nursing homes and other care facilities across the United States. While many of them provide great service, you really have to pay well for quality care these days. It’s understandable to feel...
Imagine the agony of a relentless toothache, the embarrassment of a missing smile, or the difficulty of chewing your favorite foods. For many seniors, these are daily realities of declining oral health. As you age, you might experience oral...