Got aging parents at home?


No matter how old we are…we all have passion. Remember when you were younger what you really felt passionate about.
Then as life happens and we age, sometimes those passions change or get moved to the back burner for many reasons. Passion may be defined as a strong feeling towards something….it can be anything really. What is your passion? What do you really enjoy doing? What do you have a real strong feeling towards? A person, a sport, a hobby or a place. Sometimes life happens and it takes our focus away from our passion.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, pursuing your passion and keeping it alive can be very therapeutic and healing.

December arrived in a flash and a flurry of activity. Two weeks before the scheduled assembly program, the student government met to draft a resolution requiring all students to be on their best behavior during our upcoming in-school concert,...
I was about to learn a very unpleasant Lesson in Life. The high school principal was a lover of Jazz, even willing to concede the acceptability of Rock & Roll, as long as it was musically presented, which might...
Most people who have a fear of flying (aerophobia) experience some sort of claustrophobia, acrophobia (fear of heights), or anxiety about crashing. Any combination of these intense fears can manifest into symptoms such as: Nausea and stomach pain Shortness...
Abstract: Studying piano as an older adult presents special challenges and joys for both teachers and students. This article examines both from the perspectives of Kelly Zuercher, resident pianist with the Colorado Springs Philharmonic and respected teacher, and one...
When Cass and I moved to Williamsburg, Virginia, we built a house just down the road from the College of William and Mary. Naturally, my father always joked that the school had actually been named after him (William) and...
Why would a couple of seniors, who should be thinking about retiring, decide instead to build a botanical garden?  Answer: because these two seasoned gardening-geeks have first-hand experience about how gardens affect people and we need to let everyone...
We’re hale and hearty seniors and traveling is what makes us happiest. We did our first desert explorations on a September trip out west. The most visually varied of our desert forays was Joshua Tree National Park. It is...
Karen Scully found a yummy outlet for her artistic talents when she was downsized in 2015. Since then she's built an on-line community of like-minded creative bakers, and shares some of her best baking tips, creative pie designs, and...
Seniors love Valentine’s Day too. If you are a caretaker for a senior or work in a senior’s facility, finding Valentine’s Day activities can be difficult. Below are a few that are both mentally stimulating and fun!             Name That Love...
It may seem hard to believe right now but whatever part of the world you’re in, Spring IS coming… really, it is – we promise. Some of you are probably already seeing signs of the early blooming varietals while...