Got aging parents at home?
As we age there are inevitable changes. For some of us those changes aren’t as readily apparent. For others, adapting to change can be more difficult. There can also be health changes and decline as we age. For many...
            Who knows were the time goes, but the memories are of yesterday, close enough to touch, young enough to feel. So much so that I can recount meeting Cass while I was a college sophomore in 1967. I was...
Today has most of us finding ourselves glued to our smartphones, tablets or computers. Seniors often appreciate the one-on-one time you spend with them, without the distraction of the internet and all the gadgets. Board games are a fun...
Phone Scam Article scaled

Avoiding Senior Scams

At any time, there are various predators looking to scam seniors out of their savings. Many of us have spoken with our loved ones, trying to protect them from online or telephone scams. While financial abuse is common among...
Nothing compares to the feeling you get when you receive the news that you are about to become a grandparent. Many of us suddenly feel our age when we realize that we’ll be granny instead of mom or grandpa...
A great deal has been written about Alan Freed, the man who coined the term rock n roll. First the biography and then the real story of the man as the teens who knew him saw.             Albert James Freed was...
The first article in a series by Jeff Resnick, Our Earliest Passions Shape Our Future Some of us are lucky enough to be able to remember one teacher who made a difference in our lives. Mr. Howe, first name Robert, was...
Denmark’s winters are long, cold and dark. Some days there are 17 hours of darkness. The country is known for its snow and sleet. The Danes have learned to live comfortably with this and enjoy it with their practise...
Travelling with a grandchild can be a learning experience for both of you. Children learn quickly and are also very observant. By finding out about new cultures and how other people live you are opening them up to an...
Throughout the history of 20th Century music and musicians, no living musical icon has had as many ups and downs in their career as Connie Francis. Connie Francis was born Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero on December 12, 1937 to...