Got aging parents at home?

Senior Travel

Sunsets, beaches, towers, mountains…where would you like to go?

No matter how old we get…most of us LOVE travel. And if for some reason we can’t travel much anymore, we enjoy hearing travel stories and seeing pictures.

Do you have a travel story to tell? Do you know a great place for seniors to travel to?

Where was your best vacation and why? We want to know!

Watch for future articles with travel suggestions for seniors and more!

Road trips always have something truly magical to it – and embarking on one in your golden years can be a wonderful, rewarding, and liberating experience. To ensure a safe and comfortable journey, however, proper planning is essential. Here’s...
For educators, retirement marks the culmination of years spent nurturing young minds and fostering a love of learning. While the freedom and well-deserved break are welcome, a lingering thirst for knowledge and exploration often remains. Road Scholar, a non-profit educational...
With multi-generational living so common now in America, taking a vacation with three or four generations altogether is increasingly popular. Here are some useful tips and things to consider when traveling with elders, as well as some of America's...
Traveling is known to broaden our horizons, ignite our sense of adventure, and create lasting memories. While many may associate travel with far-off destinations and exotic locales, there is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered right...
In the dynamic world of hospitality, guest satisfaction and efficient operations stand as critical pillars for success. Amidst the evolving landscape, hotels continually seek innovative solutions to streamline processes and enhance the guest experience.  One such groundbreaking tool that has...