Got aging parents at home?
Noel Trachtenberg Celebrated for Leading an Impactful and Spirited Life Full of Resilience in the Face of Adversity PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. August 27, 2019 – Noel Trachtenberg, a resident of La Posada (a premier Kisco Senior Living community), faced...
When I was first introduced to Peter, he wasn’t interested in receiving help from others let alone me, a stranger. His daughter was surprised he let me through the front door for my first shift. Peter was comfortable in...
It soon became clear what Alex had been talking about during my interview only two weeks prior. This town had two sides: the right side of the tracks, and the wrong side of the tracks. The right side students were the ones whose parents worked...
In 2014, John Mather decided to celebrate his 60th birthday by attempting to swim the length of all seventeen lakes contained within the English Lake District, little realising the time, effort or the planning that would be involved.             These 17...
Although I was just a boy during World War II, I had the remarkable opportunity in 1945, when I was just 14, to work with US Military leadership.  By that time, I had already experienced the war from a...
Early in our relationship, Cass and I fell in love with Toronto, one of the most beautiful cities. Anywhere. It was only natural, I suppose, living in Buffalo, New York, a quick drive to the Peace Bridge and then...
Milk Monte drove his milk truck down Berkshire Street twice each week, delivering glass bottles of fresh milk to the square-foot box built into the side of our house, making sure to latch its outside door to keep the milk...
Marion Bartholomew has known the Sunshine City all her life.             She owned a restaurant, drove a school bus, danced at the Pav, went to the movies at Geneva Theatre, and was part of the women’s groups in Orillia and area. Now, 84-years-old,...
No one likes wearing marks (duh!) but I am impressed by how many in North America are doing it - even if somewhat begrudgingly. Call the "masking up" mandate herd cooperation or just plain fear response, but thankfully transcends politics...
There’s this (mostly) cheerful guy named Max, who has Asperger’s. He’d like to go on a date with the (always) overwhelmed Victoria, who also has Asperger’s. Finally, Max summons the courage to make the call. A miracle happens and Victoria...