
National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual, worldwide celebration. It is held on the first Sunday of June. This is a time to celebrate those who have survived cancer. National Cancer Survivors Day is also a day to gather support for families. Survivors can provide inspiration to others with cancer throughout their communities. Cancer survivors want to show the world that you can still have a rewarding and useful life after a cancer diagnosis.

Whether you are a medical professional, a cancer survivor or a friend or family member, this day provides opportunities.  All people living with cancer have an opportunity to recognize those who have supported them and to connect with others.

Cancer Facts

  • In the U.S. cancer is the second most common cause of death after heart disease. It accounts for almost 1 in 4 deaths. In 2015 almost 9 million people worldwide died of cancer. There were nearly 1 in 6 deaths globally.
  • More than 2 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year. Most of these cases can be prevented by using necessary precautions.
  • The risk of developing cancer increases with age. Almost 80% of all cancers develop in those who are 55 and older.
  • Cancer puts an economic burden on the global economy. The total annual economic cost of cancer is approximately 1.2 trillion $US.

Surviving cancer includes learning to deal with emotional and physical issues. You may have financial concerns or be worried about returning to work. You now have a “new” normal and your day to day life may differ. Many feel uncertain and worry about their cancer returning.

Staying physically active will help to keep you healthy and reduce stress. Some cancer survivors worry that they will be unable to pick up where they left off in their exercise routines. Some are pleasantly surprised to find that once they regain their strength, they can carry on with most physical activities.

National Cancer Survivors Day will provide an opportunity for cancer survivors to access more information. They can also review resources about healthy eating and healthy living. Look for events near you or contact your local cancer society if you wish to hold your own event.