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When it comes to good health, age doesn’t matter. You can live a healthy life at any age. It doesn’t matter how old (or young) you are. All of us can take certain steps to take care of our health and ensure that we can live independently as we age.

To enjoy the healthiest life at any age:

  • Become your own healthcare expert. We are all responsible for our own health and should do our best to maintain it. Stay informed. Look for information on your own from reliable sources and don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions. If you are concerned about medications, discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist and get the answers to your questions. Find out about tests that you are sent for or vaccines you receive or wish to receive. The more you know, the more you are in charge.
  • Work at staying healthy. Prevention is the first step to being healthy. Good nutrition is the basis of your health and eating well doesn’t have to be expensive. Cut out processed foods, try to use as little sugar as possible (many items contain sugar), drink lots of water and just as you were told when you were a child, eat your vegetables. Exercise each day, even it if is only a 10 minute walk. For those with chronic illnesses or disabilities, moving as much as you are able for as long as you can is better than not moving at all.
  • Keep a list of medications. Quite often when visiting the hospital or when referred to a specialist one of the things you are asked is which medications you are using. Keep a detailed list with amounts taken daily and bring it with you.

Living a healthy life at any age means being proactive about your health. Eat nutritiously, exercise, stay hydrated and get enough sleep. Don’t miss checkups with your doctor. For more tips on healthy living at any age.