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National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is an annual event held to promote health and fitness in women of all ages. This year it falls on September 29, the last Wednesday of the month. This is a national program focusing attention on health awareness for women and the importance of regular physical activity. Groups across the country will hold events at health clubs, hospitals, senior’s centers and other locations.

What can women do to become more health conscious?

  • In most families, women do most of the shopping. Ingredients are very important to women. Find out if your food contains GMOs, unhealthy fats and sugars.
  • Many restaurants use natural, organic ingredients. Find out which restaurants are best. Fast food doesn’t have to be unhealthy food.
  • Do your own cooking rather than buying pre-packaged, ready to eat meals. Use fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits, beans and nuts in your meals.
  • Fit physical activity into your day in a natural way. Fitness doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym. Walking, stretching, lifting things throughout the day all add to your fitness level. These are also easy ways to increase flexibility and balance.







National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is held is to help women realize that they can be pro-active and take care of their health. Good health involves making smart choices in what we eat, as well as what we do. Many of the events held on this day will involve health workshops for women, health screenings, demonstrations in different types of exercise and information on health and fitness for women.

Find out which events are in your area. Most of all, do your best to get involved. In addition, check with your health department, local college or hospital to find organizations that are holding walkathons and information sessions. To read more on National Women’s Health and Fitness Day, click here.