Got aging parents at home?


Caregiving is one of the most selfless acts a person can do and so many people around the world and don’t even know that they are doing it!
Senior Lifestyle Magazine is a source for you to rely on to truly obtain key information to and inspiring stories to help you on your caregiving journey.

When we think of the term caregiver, it’s hard not to define it as adult children taking care of their parents. It seems a natural course in life. As much as we don’t want them to, parents age. Roles reverse...
Providing daily care for a parent often feels unnatural. Throughout your entire life, they were the people to supply your every need. They were the well of knowledge you could always draw from, the steady hands that helped you...
Of the nearly 4000 seniors we have moved, most really wanted to stay in their homes. If you have the finances and are willing to accept help, check out the services that are available in your area and cost...
The numbers tell the true story; one-third of dementia caregivers are daughters and wives are much more likely to care for their husbands. Of more than 400,000 older Canadians living with dementia, women represent some two-thirds or 61% of...
More than 40 million adults in the U.S. support and take care of aging, disabled or ill family members. While many of us think as caregivers as those who look after seniors, caregivers are a huge group who look...
The following is helpful information for assisting in personal care. Using a Bedpan or Urinal None of us enjoy having to use a bedpan or urinal. No matter how hard we try, it is an unnatural feeling and not all that...
It is interesting that when we hear certain words, like palliative care, our minds tend to focus on the negativity surrounding the word or phrase. While palliative care can seem daunting to some, the fact is it can whatever...
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Caring In The Cold

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, like it or not, winter is a certainty. You may be tempted to curl up under a warm blanket, sip a steaming cup of hot chocolate, and hibernate with...
Well, whether you are a caregiver or a manager, you only have 24 hours in a day to make a difference. How you use your time is what speaks at the end of it all. When it comes to caring...
Supported Lying Positions People need to rest in different lying positions so that they do not put too much pressure on any single body part or skin area. People can sit up, lay down or lay on their sides as...