Got aging parents at home?

Health & Well-Being

Health and wellness…..good health and healthy living all lead to wellness.
They go hand in hand don’t you think?
What does health and wellness mean to you?
The very thought of health and wellness can be very overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.
It should be fun inspiring and very rewarding.

Figuring out what government resources and options there are available can be overwhelming to say the least. Some often very confusing and many unknown to seniors and their caregivers. If you aren't sure, contact the Government of Canada at Toll-Free: 1 800...
As you likely know, senior health and wellness includes many things including looking at our habits around senior dental care. Our teeth like the rest of our bodies, should be part of a life long commitment. However, we know...
Fraud is the number one crime against senior Canadians. Though people of all ages can be victims of fraud, seniors are targeted more often because they can be more trusting and may not have family or friends close by...
Most of us have heard that gardening is very therapeutic. It just feels great when you are outside and working with nature! Senior gardening is no exception. Many seniors feel isolated, lonely and may feel they have nothing to do....
Seniors don't fit the image of what society has portrayed as the stereotypical substance abuser. Rather, the sketchy, unkempt person in a back alley would better reflect what some think of when we hear the words drug addiction. In actual...
We all need a break from our regular routine from time to time. That includes seniors and caregivers! With summer here many of us are talking about vacation plans. Senior travel is a very important aspect for senior's overall...
Many seniors are living farther apart from their relatives than ever before. Seniors may not have any family nearby and often their children are taking jobs in centres that may not be close to where a parent lives. This can impact senior life quality.  Why Enhance...
Senior psychological abuse is one of the most degrading forms of torture. Imagine yourself slowly peeling back the many thin layers of an onion. Each layer represents a person’s value, dignity and self-esteem. By the time you get to...
Senior finances, no one likes talking about finances unless they have lots of $$ to talk about! However, many ѕеniоrѕ thеѕе dауѕ аrе living оn limitеd inсоmеѕ frоm ѕоurсеѕ that mау inсludе Social Sесuritу, CPP or other ѕmаll реnѕiоns оr...
Senior abuse happens way too often. And many don't know that the senior abuse is even happening. It is often referred to as the silent form of abuse. While a bruise leaves a physical marking and is easily identified, psychological...