Got aging parents at home?
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Hmmm. You’re in for a real surprise, Boomers & Seniors! Look up the word Senioritis online and here’s what you’ll find:             Really? I don’t remember being infected by this bug back in the 1960’s! Strictly in the interest of intellectual research, of...
As the Yaki Indian wise man Don Carlos said, the decline of old age is the toughest challenge of all.  I don’t have to tell you that family members are bed-ridden, lifelong friends die off while you still owe...
New Orleans is unlike any other place in the United States. An enthralling, exciting destination that thousands flock to every year for the blues, jazz, bars, history and culture.  An electric energy runs through the very soul of this diverse...
CHICAGO--Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) superstar Earl Anthony, who died in 2001 at age 63, was perhaps the greatest athlete without a biography. That's no longer the case, however, as Luby Publishing recently published EARL: The Greatest Bowler of All Time by...
By the time I was 52, I had been married three times. If the courts had not documented the first two marriages, I would pretend that they never happened. During both, my husbands and I were smoking crack before,...
Last night I had a nightmare. No not about monsters or a werewolf that looked remarkably like Michael Landon. It wasn’t even about my last blind date, strange as that may seem. It was about Google. And what’s so scary...
Consider the humble marigold. In many ways it is like a faithful dog, giving its all, asking nothing in return. It grows fast from seed, stands tall, comes in several warm bright colors and flowers its head off throughout...
Those of us who are over 55 know that getting hired gets more difficult. Laws prevent age  discrimination, but reality flies in the face of that. What are the things you can do to improve  your chances for getting...
The English cottage garden is a beloved artefact, stuffed higgledy -piggledy with old fashioned folksy flowers like hollyhocks, geraniums, wallflowers, delphiniums, lavender and roses. When we look a bit more closely we learn that hollyhocks came from China, delphiniums...

Pickleball Is A Gift

Sometimes when we realize how wonderful it is that we found the game of pickleball we have to stop and count our blessings and understand that in many ways pickleball really is a gift. For many who have reached ‘the...