Got aging parents at home?
Senior hosting on Airbnb have grown at an astonishing rate over the last year. More than ever, seniors are opening up their homes to provide rooms or their entire house to guests who are visiting their area.             For those who...
Tax season is here. Some seniors have their income tax prepared by a tax preparation company For those who do their own taxes make sure you don’t miss any deductions. Using tax software can help but check to see...
Retirement opens a new door of possibilities you can take advantage of to pursue a new lifestyle. Learn five financial tips on what to do after you retire. Retirement is a new stage that brings different options to change and...
The term “retiring in place” can refer to two things.  It can be a slang term for employees who do not work very hard but who work just hard enough to not be fired so that they can be eligible...
We all love to prepare for the future. But how do we prepare for a future without us in it?  This worry is top-of-mind for many Americans. In a 3,000-person poll by Maru Public Opinion for ClearEstate, 90% of us...
1. Within reason, bring what is important to them. If they want to bring something instead of saying “NO” ask them why they want to bring it. One man wanted to bring his sofa to one room in a retirement residence....
We will all face retirement someday (a fact); thus, saving is the only way to safeguard the future. The money will come in handy when you aren’t in a position to work anymore. However, saving demands a lot of...
"Who will pay?" is a question we ask ourselves many times throughout our live about many things. Schooling, weddings, bridal and baby showers, funerals. A wide range of key life events. Yet many of us still aren't comfortable talking...
We have worked with many adult children lately who were emptying and preparing the family home for sale. They were tired and emotionally drained trying to be the “glue” in the family. This week I asked a son, “Did you...
“Living in Place”, the Older Women’s Network’s housing campaign, calls for a change to the Ontario Building Code to require that ALL new residential buildings be 100% universal design or easily adaptable, so that anyone of any age or ability can live...